Miss A.'s momma put on the most AMAZING graduation party for us. I can't thank her enough. Nor, the other parents and family members who have given of their time and resources so generously to this school over the last 5 years. Miss A.'s daddy, used his production company resources to create a tear-jerking video covering their time here. It was just...WOW! What a wonderful keepsake for the children and me.

The children went through the graduation ceremony to receive their diplomas, received the book Oh the Place You'll Go with a way-too-long note from me, and autograph puppies they enjoyed passing around for signatures. After eating pizza and tasty treats, they put on a showing of their Reader's Theater production of A Princess and the Pea, which they had been studiously practicing.

So sad to say goodbye to these WONDERFUL children. Miss H joined me at 9 months, and Miss A and Mr. G both at 4 months. I never know how the mix of new children will evolve. In this case, fate, destiny, a higher power or just darn good luck, led these three children to me at the same time. Their accomplishments have been astounding, in a huge part due to how they have played off of one another developmentally and educationally.
Focus and curiosity are the key components of rapid educational grown. I've had VERY smart kids here who had no focus and met the minimum levels of development and education. I've had not-so-smart kids here whose focus has pushed them far ahead of their higher IQ'd friends. These three, had the perfect blend of intelligence, focus and drive.
This program is child-led learning. In the case of these three, it was child-PUSHED. I have worked like a maniac to try to keep up with their educational demands. They went through my preschool curriculum by the time they were three. Since then, all curriculum has been tailor-made to their interests and capabilities and through their direction.
They leave me for kindergarten all reading 3rd grade chapter books, and that's just one tiny aspect of their knowledge and capabilities. Mr. G was offered a double grade skip immediately, which his parents declined. Each set of parents has been in touch with their child's principle, teacher(s), counselor, and/or gifted coordinator of their respective schools. While each school has plans to meet their social/emotional and advanced educational needs, it has been very interesting to see the differences in how they plan to accomplish this. The responsiveness, though, has me hopeful that they will continue to be challenged.
The most important thing that these children leave me with is that they are good people. While they have their quirks and moments, in general, they are kind, thoughtful, helpful, responsible, hard working, polite, and socially aware and responsible. That's what I'm most happy about.
Tags: preschool, graduation, party, theme, Oh the Places You Will Go, Seuss, pre-k