I'm not a fan of worksheets. Developmentally Appropriate Practice [DAP] is to not use worksheets until after age 8. Learning for the younger set needs to be hands-on and interactive for maximum retention and engagement. We have only begun to use worksheets for writing, which is necessary at this point for these children.
However, there's always that certain child, whose learning style just begs for worksheets...Mr. G just can't get enough of them, and that's okay, as long as it's his choice. This is the same child that couldn't be bothered with any type of coloring, drawing or writing just a few months ago, and now wants to do it all day every day.
![Photo: I'm not a fan of worksheets. Developmentally Appropriate Practice [DAP] is to not use worksheets until after age 8. Learning for the younger set needs to be hands-on and interactive for maximum retention and engagement. We have only begun to use worksheets for writing, which is necessary at this point for these children. However, there's always that certain child, whose learning style just begs for worksheets...Mr. G just can't get enough of them, and that's okay, as long as it's his choice. This is the same child that couldn't be bothered with any type of coloring, drawing or writing just a few months ago, and now wants to do it all day every day.](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/p403x403/10252039_10153162805949908_2921155637888418224_n.jpg?oh=4824e7b5d06dbcb5a231f12f3d79e790&oe=54B980D9&__gda__=1418517036_288fcdab95ae72fd3e6c19b0ff4117da)
Keeping with our green = go, red = stop, left/right convention we are working on in pre-k, I made this worksheet to challenge them to be observant, work on their fine motor/writing skills and strength, and to work their left and right concept understanding.
Little miss smarty pants Miss A went through and quickly marked all of her arrows, then went back and colored them. One of the things I was looking for them to do.
They are doing the first worksheet today which has a bit of a cheat in that the left and right are listed to either side.
They will be doing the second worksheet from now on, which has no indicator as to the correct direction.
Tags: left, right, convention, worksheet, free, freebie, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, fine motor, drawing, coloring, page, colors, directions, directional, arrow, math, geometry, homeschool, homeschooling
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