Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy President's Day!!!

 We made George Washington tricorn hats, more fun than you would think [surprised ME anyway!]

Free Pattern - click for link


(the stars are harder and may require teacher assistance for even older children)

Staple two sides

Fit for last staple
(she's happier than she looks, and it seems I didn't get all the Mexican from lunch off of her)

Glue stars over staples

Pretend to be George Washington crossing the Delaware and fighting red coats...
accessorized with a few dress up beads ...

The preschoolers did some money sorting, of course I didn't have any color ink to even print out my own printables in color. Oh well, black and white worked just as well. I provided 10 of each and they fit perfectly on the images.We only had 3 half dollars, and found them after I'd printed the other one, so when I get some ink we'll have a re-do.


Math symmetry, oval, ellipse, star, 5 points on star, 3 sides + 3 points = tricorn
Colors blue and yellow
Fine motor cut, paste, staple, placing stars

Touch on History and how they wore different things in the past than we do today, that stars in the military mean that you are an important person and the more stars the better, so they must be VERY special people given how many stars on their hats!
Tags: President's Day, printable, craft, cut and paste, money, sorting, dress up, dramatic play, math, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, childcare, daycare, homeschool

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